Frequently Asked Questions

Is Aiva actually Free?

Yes! Aiva is 100% free with branding. We believe that you shouldn't have to pay for lead generation and conversions.

Does Aiva slow down my website?

Absolutely not. Aiva starts loading after your website and assets are completed.

How do I sync to mobile?

Follow the guide here to duplicate to mobile.

How do I create a coupon offer?

Follow the guide here to create a 2-step coupon offer.

How do I set my campaign on a specific page?

This tutorial video will help you set your campaign to specific pages.

How do I make a close button?

Follow this guide to make a close button on your campaign.

How does the exit intent option work on mobile?

We have an exit intent option for mobile which mimics the user trying to access their address bar by quickly scrolling up on the website. If you�d like to change the trigger for just mobile, you can click the mobile device on the right side while on the Triggers -> Timing screen.

How do I add an age verification page?

You can find the template by following the path: Create a new Campaign -> Template Gallery -> Splash Page.

The template should look like this:

alt text

How do I make a transparent background or a colored background?

You can follow this guide to make a transparent background or a colored background.

Last updated on 14th Jan 2022